
Kawasaki KX 80 KX80 Carburetor 28MM Keihin PWK With Power Jet Mod Pre-Jetted

Kawasaki KX 80 KX80 Carburetor 28MM Keihin PWK With Power Jet Mod Pre-Jetted

Kawasaki KX 80 KX80 Carburetor 28MM Keihin PWK With Power Jet Mod Pre-Jetted
This listing is for a new Keihin carb that is pre-jetted so it will require fine tuning according to the machine you have, any modifications, and altitude. Some spare Jets are included to help. If you need any help with recommended jetting specs feel free to message me at anytime.
Kawasaki KX 80 KX80 Carburetor 28MM Keihin PWK With Power Jet Mod Pre-Jetted